Campaigns Wikia
Forums: Index > The Soapbox > Wikia Strategy and Tactics

Jimbo Wales' Mission Statement was Launched 4 July 2006: It is now D+4, and while I agree with the overall strategic objectives, I think the tactical execution has been somewhat flawed to date. I offer these criticisms as a friend, and hope everyone is big enough to accept them as such.


1. I know at least two people who have been so pissed off at receiving 20 -40 emails in the cirular EMail merry go round sequence that they have quit. I receive over 350, loaded with minutiae, but I'm still here; guess I'm a candidate for the Spam Gulag.

2. I have been wandering around in here for the better part of 2 days, more or less chasing my tail.( Hint: 90% of the people who visit Wikiapedia do so to check facts; they are not involved in creating articles or whatever).

3. I am also a Visual Basic programmer who designed several successful programs for smaller business before the IT bubble burst in 2000. The operative term in programming then, as now, is KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid. This for the benefit of the Village Idiots who have to utilize the application. And please, don't anyone try to tell me how easy this site is to navigate or use. Been here, tried that.


1.Halt the launch for 2-3 weeks, to allow your programmers to design a user-friendly entry interface and guts that accomodates Joe Q. Citizen.

2. Eliminate the ###damned circular EMail horse shit.

Finally, do you think anyone in his right mind would have wasted his time writing this, if he did not care very much for what you are trying to accomplish.

I'm still here.MakharramKhan 00:42, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
